A place where 55+ year olds at Gateway can do life together.
We offer support and care to one another both socially and spiritually. We enjoy fellowship over coffee, delve into Bible study, and engage in various activities.
Upcoming Events
Interested in any of these events?
Email Sylvia at Sylvia@gatewaychurch.org.nz

Women’s Café Morning
Friday 14 February, 10:15am
At Classic Car Museum Rifle Range Rd, Dinsdale
This is our first one for the year. If you would like to come please contact Sylvia on sylvia@gatewaychurch.org.nz

SALT Saturdays
Saturday 8 February, 10:30am
The Garden Grove Café, Woodlands Estate
This is our first one for the year. If you would like to come please contact Sylvia on sylvia@gatewaychurch.org.nz