Gatherings 10am & 5:30pm Sunday at 950 Victoria St

Bulletin Gateway Hamilton

Weekly Bulletin

Upcoming events and notices in our community

Bulletin Gateway Hamilton

Preschool Playgroup

Wednesdays 9:30-11am | During term time at Gateway

The Gateway Preschool Playgroup kicks off on Wednesday 26 February, meeting weekly during term time at Gateway. This is a great opportunity to enjoy a cuppa and connect with other parents while your little ones play in a safe and welcoming environment. Hot drinks are provided—just bring morning tea and a drink bottle for your little ones.

All parents and caregivers with preschoolers (0-5 years) are welcome. No cost involved.

Easter Camp Sponsorship

Our Crave youth group is heading to Easter Camp in April—an incredible weekend of following Jesus, fun, and connection for our young people. If you’d like to help make it easier for a youth or leader to attend, you can sponsor through your giving number (using the reference Crave) or via Eftpos at the Info Desk on Sunday. The cost is $240 for a camper and $150 for leader. 

(To find out more about Easter Camp or to register, click here:

Pray Waikato

Thursday March 6 | 7:30pm | Clarence St Theatre

Pray Waikato is a night of prayer and worship uniting churches from across the region! Seeking God’s heart for our nation, communities, and churches.

Find out more through the link below:

Go Missions

Go Missions is a community that has a passion for mission that meet monthly to share stories and food together.

The next meeting of this year will be on Friday the 7th of March at 6:30pm in the Gateway Dinning Room. Please bring a plate of food to share for the potluck dinner.

Emerge Pool Party!

Year 7&8's, what better way to start off the year than a pool party with pancakes! 

Saturday 1st March 3.30-6.00pm
$5 to cover cost of food.
Don't forget to bring your togs & towel (& swimming goggles etc. if you like)

This is a great opportunity to get to know new friends and re-connect with old ones, ready for the year ahead. Please sign up below!

Updates on Gateway Moves

We've created a dedicated page on our website for the Gateway Moves process. We will update this page with relevant information as it becomes available. Check out our blogs below to stay up to date with the latest news!

Bulletin Gateway Hamilton