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We See the Lord

Mike’s conclusion to his Character of Elizabeth message on Sunday. I believe It’s time for us to stand again with a renewed declaration of faith like Elizabeth, whether we are in the midst of barrenness, or of reproach, of obscurity or prominence, when we are in the midst of a world in moral decline or for that matter in the middle of joy and laughter and in blessing and in harvest and abundance and say Let us live at peace in the mystery of GodLet us be steadfast in the trialLet the descrip...

November 24, 2020

Living in the mystery of God

How relevant was Mike’s message yesterday as he talked about living in the mystery of God. How we live in a culture of instant gratification and that can become entwined with an expectation of God’s immediate demonstration of response to our prayer. Many times our God is working on a larger plan. ‘Father God is neither care-less nor cause-less with how he spends our lives. When he calls a soul simultaneously to greatness and obscurity, the fruit if we wait for it - can change the world’ ...

November 23, 2020

What's for Dinner - desk of Jono

Lately I’ve been thinking about the story of Jesus, Mary & Martha, and how “Mary … made the right choice” (Luke10:42). These were the words Jesus spoke to Martha after she ‘was distracted by her many tasks’ (Luke 10:40) while Mary sat at the feet of Jesus. And If I am honest I have always struggled with these words from Jesus. I want to say to Him:  “Jesus, the food doesn’t cook itself and if it wasn’t for Martha I’m sure that there would have be...

November 20, 2020

He is our Home

Old things have passed away Your love has stayed the same Your constant grace remains the cornerstoneThings that we thought were deadAre breathing in life againYou cause your Son to shine on darkest nightsFor all that you've done, we will pour out our love This will be our anthem songJesus we love you Oh how we love youYou are the one our, our hearts adoreThe hopeless have found their hopeThe orphans now have a homeAll that was lost has found its place in youYou lift our weary headYou make us st...

November 17, 2020

The Character of Herod

Don began our Advent series ‘Characters of Christmas’ on Sunday by introducing to us the character of King Herod. Here we have the attitudes we need to cultivate that are indeed the opposite of Herod’s character traits. People who are aware of how transient life is and who have made the right preparations regarding that transience.People who are shaken and shaped by God’s word. People who are open and transparent to God and to others. People who worship God and trust Him to act on t...

November 16, 2020

What an incredible promise! Desk of Hope

I have always had a love-hate relationship with change. There are changes I enjoy, like travelling or visiting a new place, experiencing it's culture, sights and sounds. However, learning to navigate my way around a new home city, well that’s rather more unnerving! Have you noticed that we are surrounded by a world that says ‘nothing stays the same’, ‘change is inevitable’; the reminders that everything changes just keep coming? Some of the changes in our world over the past year ...

November 13, 2020

Overwhelming Never Ending Reckless

Our message last night talked about the ‘why’ of Jesus ministry and the ‘how’ - through love. It expounded on what agape love can look like. ‘it demands that we be charitable and it flows outwards’ Thanks Daniel for a great word!...

November 9, 2020

Baptism Gathering

It was such a privilege to share with our twelve baptism candidates last Sunday as they made this step in their faith journey!...

November 8, 2020

Giving at Gateway Christmas

Have you picked up a brown paper bag from the info desk? If you like to contribute to Foodbank giving at Christmas, the bags are ready for you. Please note they'll need to be back by 13th December. Thanks Gateway!...

November 6, 2020

It's November - how did that happen. Desk of Kezz

It's November…. How did that happen. There are many things to love about November, the weather is getting warmer, the days are getting longer, and the holidays are almost here. For me, my favourite thing about November is Thanksgiving. This is predominately a North American holiday, a time to spend with family and friends, and remember what you are thankful for. Growing up in a Kiwi American household we often celebrated Thanksgiving together with other American families.  ...

November 6, 2020

Our Father who art in Heaven

'For so many people prayer becomes an all or nothing proposition. Pray simple prayers. Pray the Lord's prayer - at the start of the day and at the day's end.' - Don....

November 3, 2020

Gathering Prayer Generosity

Don from yesterday  “ ‘Har Mo’ed’ warfare doesn’t have to be esoteric, complicated or difficult.It is entered into through simple acts like gathering, praying, being generous, being faithful to commitments we have made, loving mercy and showing kindness to people around us.These simple acts serve to ultimately undermine and overthrow the narrative that the powers of darkness are trying to use to shape us and imprison us.”Let’s be stepping out in our shoes this week ...

November 2, 2020

When the mountain is in the way - desk of Hannah

These last months the lyrics to a song called Highlands have been replaying on my mind. “So, I will praise You on the mountain and I will praise You when the mountain’s in my way.” This is much easier to sing when I am on the top of the mountain, not at the bottom of it.  These lyrics arise in the most difficult of times. When something else has jumped onto my radar and thrown me off course. My gentle reminder to continue praising Him.  This year I have found myself in ...

October 30, 2020

The Complete Series of The Gospel of John

Don has just recently recorded Part 10 in The Gospel of John series of The Grove A massive achievement and resource. It is available to view on YouTube, to listen to on Podbean or Spotify and both options are also available via our website....

October 28, 2020

Introducing Sarah Butler

Sarah Butler is on our Gateway staff team leading our Tribe Holidays for primary school-aged children. Sarah also helps Claire with Tribe admin during the week. Sarah hopes that by creating a fun, interactive and welcoming space in Tribe holidays that the children will feel valued and have the space to grow a lifelong relationship with God.Sarah is married with two daughters and worked in early childhood education for years before becoming a homeschool mum two years ago.It’s so great to have y...

October 27, 2020

Grace Mercy Faithfulness

‘Though the fig tree does not blossom, and no fruit is on the vines;though the produce of the olive fails, and the fields yield no food;though the flock is cut off from the fold, and there is no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will exult in the God of my salvation.God, the Lord, is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, and makes me tread upon the heights’ - from Habakkuk 3....

October 26, 2020

Faith amongst fruitlessness

Chris' three points from his concluding message in A study in the book of Habbakuk, 'A Spiritual Journey of a Godly Man'.Faith amongst fruitlessness.  Rejoicing in the ruins.  Trust - a declaration of ultimate deliverance in the desert....

October 26, 2020

'Whose story are you living in?' - Desk of Jo

I have been reflecting recently on a quote in book I have been reading that said “The story you live in is the story you live out.”  Our culture invites us into lots of stories that can capture our hearts and imaginations - often without us even realising it. And when our attention is captured, our actions and rhythms of life will probably soon follow. If you’re anything like me I have found myself sometimes discouraged, saddened and often bewildered as I’ve...

October 23, 2020

Weeping may last through the night but joy comes with the morning

Megan made reference to Psalm 30:5 in our ‘Now but not yet’ series on Sunday.We pray for those in our community who are struggling in the waiting. May His presence be near and His hope tangible.We lift our eyes to you Lord....

October 22, 2020

Continuing in our 'Now but not yet' series

In our 2nd part of ‘Now, but not yet’ on Sunday, Megan brought the 3 remaining points.- Joshua let go of the past- Joshua had courageous faith and- Joshua obeyed immediately.Here we have one of God’s promises to Joshua and to us also. God is our source of strength. Have courage today....

October 20, 2020

Praise God from whom all blessings flow

Yesterday in worship we sang -Praise God from whom all blessing flow, Praise Him all creatures here below, Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.What a privilege it is to be able to gather and worship our Triune God. Gateway whānau, may you know His presence in your week....

October 19, 2020

He loves you as His child - desk of Dan

Recently I was walking along the lake and saw a little child chasing her dad by the water. He ran a little bit faster than her, just enough to make her giggle and want to chase him down even more. As the two of them laughed, I couldn’t help but think about the parallels between that picture and our relationship with God through Christ. Jesus tells us in Matthew 18 that “Unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” What di...

October 16, 2020

The 'in-between'

The ‘in-between’ - that time between the Now, and not yet. Learning to linger longer in God’s presence....

October 14, 2020

Presence Brings

Megan’s 2nd point ‘Joshua sought the presence of God’. How do you best seek God’s presence?...

October 13, 2020

Now But Not yet - Obscurity.

‘Megan’s 1st point yesterday was regarding Joshua serving in obscurity. A couple of her quotes .. ‘Obscurity is God’s school of humility, grounding, transformation and wisdom.’ ‘Your calling is about who you are before what you do’And an unknown quote - ‘Don’t expect God to make you a lighthouse somewhere else, if you can’t be a candle where you are’.Thanks Megan for an inspiring message....

October 12, 2020 Posts 76-100 of 263 | Page prev next