Our '23 Annual Report is out now — View it here


August 2024 – Building Update

Hi everyone

Thanks to everyone that attended our last family meeting where we announced ‘Pledge 490’ – an invitation for you to support our proposed move to 490 Grey Street by financially contributing and of course praying. We would love to have your Pledge forms completed by the 1st of September; this will help us determine how much of the fit out can be achieved prior to us physically moving. 

We continue to wait for resource consent, we believe that we have sufficiently answered any concerns from council and now must exhibit the virtue of patience! Meanwhile we will consider the many aspects that we will need to quickly address once resource consent has been issued:

  • Finalise design in consultation with the design team

  • Obtain a more detailed understanding of the cost to fit out the new property

  • Issue a request for proposal to main contractors

Please continue to pray for wisdom for all of those involved in this process